Adam Senft


KÖTÜ TRAFİK: Sandvine’ın PacketLogic Cihazları Türkiye’de Hükümetin Casus Program Kullanmasına, Mısır’da ise Kullanıcıları Bağlantılı Reklamlara Yönlendirmeye mi Yarıyor?

Bu rapor, Sandvine/Procera Networks Derin Veri Analizi (DPI) cihazlarının, Türkiye’de ve dolaylı olarak Suriye’de devlet menşeili kötücül yazılım yaymak; Mısır’da ise reklam ve kripto para madenciliği marifetiyle gizlice para toplamak için kullanımına yönelik araştırmamızı anlatmaktadır.  

أزمة مرورية: أجهزة ساندفين باكيت لوجيك استُخدمت لنشر برامج التجسس الحكومية في تركيا وإعادة توجيه المستخدمين المصريين إلى الإعلانات التابعة لها؟

يشرح هذا التقرير تحقيقنا عن استخدام واضح لأجهزة فحص عميق للحزم (DPI) من شركة ساندفين\بروكيرا لنشر البرامج الضارة في تركيا وبشكل غير مباشر إلى سوريا، وجمع الأموال سرا من خلال الإعلانات التابعة لتعدين العملات الرقمية في مصر.

An Overview of Internet Infrastructure and Governance in the Philippines

The Cyber Stewards Network is pleased to announce the release of a report titled “An Overview of Internet Infrastructure and Governance in the Philippines.” The report outlines the key actors, regulatory structures, and challenges facing the development of the ICT sector in the country, as well as privacy and cybersecurity concerns.

WUP! There It Is: Privacy and Security Issues in QQ Browser

This report describes privacy and security issues with the Windows and Android versions of QQ Browser. Our research shows that both versions of the application transmit personally identifiable data without encryption or with easily decrypted encryption, and do not adequately protect the software update process.





Baidu’s and Don’ts: Privacy and Security Issues in Baidu Browser

This report describes privacy and security issues with Baidu Browser, a web browser for the Windows and Android platforms. Our research shows that the application transmits personal user data to Baidu servers without encryption and with easily decryptable encryption, and is vulnerable to arbitrary code execution during software updates via man-in-the-middle attacks. Much of the data leakage is the result of a shared Baidu software development kit, which affects hundreds of additional applications.