Citizen Lab Visiting Research Fellow Luis Horacio Najera will be presenting at the International Issues Discussion (IID) series at Ryerson University.
The fifth lecture of the Fall 2011 term, “Organized Crime in Latin America: More Than Drugs, Blood, and Bullets” is taking place on Wednesday, November 16, 6:30-8:30 pm, in ENG 103 (George Vari Engineering and Computing Centre: 245 Church Street, at the corner of Gould and Church) at Ryerson University, Toronto.
Luis Horacio Najera is a well-known Mexican journalist with over twenty years’ experience covering organized crime, corruption, human rights violations, and government abuses in Latin America. Najera also served as the Public Information Officer for the General Attorney’s office in Chihuahua. In 2008 he sought exile in Canada after receiving numerous death threats following his reports on Mexican drug trafficking syndicates.
He is currently the 2011-2012 CJFE/Scotiabank Massey College Journalism Fellow at the University of Toronto and Visiting Research Fellow at the Citizen Lab.
All are welcome and admission is free. For further details about the IID and the series please see here or contact the IID student leaders at