Citizen Lab Research

Targeted Threats

Investigations into the prevalence and impact of digital espionage operations against civil society groups. For our research on Digital Transnational Repression, visit this page to explore our reports, media mentions, and resources.

Latest Research

Senior fellow Lex Gill delivers testimony to the Foreign Interference Commission

Lex Gill, senior fellow at The Citizen Lab, delivered impactful comments to the Foreign Interference Commission at the public consultation hearing for the Public Inquiry into Foreign Interference in Federal Electoral Processes and Democratic Institutions this October. She argues that concerns regarding foreign interference cannot be used to justify rights-infringing powers for Canada’s national security… Read more »

Disrupting COLDRIVER: U.S. court orders seizure of domains used in Russian cyberattacks

Microsoft’s Digital Crimes Unit takes legal action to dismantle Russia-based threat actor COLDRIVER following a joint investigation by The Citizen Lab and Access Now. In August, The Citizen Lab, jointly with Access Now, in collaboration with First Department, Arjuna Team, and, published a report that uncovered two distinct spear-phishing campaigns targeting members of Russian… Read more »

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Free Expression Online

Studies of Internet filtering, network interference, and other technologies and practices that impact freedom of expression online. 

Latest Research

كتب محظورة: تحليل الرقابة على موقع

المؤلفون: جيفري نوكل، جاكوب داليك، نورا الجيزاوي، محمد أحمد، ليفي ميليتي، وجاستن لاو. ملاحظة للقراء: هذا المستند هو ترجمة غير رسمية وهو نسخة مختصرة من التقرير الكامل تتضمن أقساماً مختارة. لذا يرجى الملاحظة أنه لا يشمل التحليل الشامل والمناقشات التفصيلية الموجودة في النسخة الأصلية. وكونه ترجمة غير رسمية، قد يحتوي على بعض الأخطاء أو التفسيرات… Read more »

Banned Books: Analysis of Censorship on

We analyze the system Amazon deploys on the US “” storefront to restrict shipments of certain products to specific regions. We found 17,050 products that Amazon restricted from being shipped to at least one world region. – While many of the shipping restrictions are related to regulations involving WiFi, car seats, and other heavily regulated product categories, the most common product category restricted by Amazon in our study was books.

Chinese censorship following the death of Li Keqiang

As part of our ongoing project monitoring changes to Chinese search censorship, we tracked changes to censorship following Li Keqiang’s death across seven Internet platforms: Baidu, Baidu Zhidao, Bilibili, Microsoft Bing, Jingdong, Sogou, and Weibo. We found that some keyword combinations in search queries triggers hard censorship whereas others trigger soft censorship. Our results demonstrate China’s ongoing efforts to push state-sanctioned narratives concerning politically sensitive topics, impacting the integrity of the online information environment.

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Transparency and Accountability

Examinations of transparency and accountability mechanisms relevant to the relationship between corporations and state agencies regarding personal data and other surveillance activities.

Latest Research

Finding You: The Network Effect of Telecommunications Vulnerabilities for Location Disclosure

This report provides a comprehensive guide to geolocation-related threats sourced from 3G, 4G, and 5G network operators. Case studies, references, examples, and evidence are provided to give a complete and contextual understanding of mobile network-based location tracking in order to formulate policies and actions that protect civil society from current and future geolocation surveillance.

You Move, They Follow: Uncovering Iran’s Mobile Legal Intercept System

Citizen Lab examined a set of documents leaked to news outlet The Intercept that describe plans to develop and launch an Iranian mobile network, including subscriber management operations and services, and integration with a legal intercept solution. If implemented fully as envisioned, it would enable state authorities to directly monitor, intercept, redirect, degrade or deny all Iranians’ mobile communications, including those who are presently challenging the regime.

Mass Iris Scan Collection in Qinghai: 2019–2022

Police led mass iris scan collection in Qinghai, a region with a population that is 49.4% non-Han, including Tibetans and Hui Muslims. Iris scan collection is part of long-standing police intelligence gathering programs. Through this data collection, Qinghai’s police are effectively treating entire communities as populated by potential threats to social stability.

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App Privacy and Controls

Research into privacy, security, and information controls of popular applications.

Latest Research

Network Security Issues in RedNote

Our network security analysis of the popular social media app, RedNote, revealed a number of issues with both the Android and iOS versions of the app.




微信有超過十億每月活躍使用者,我們分析了微信使用的主要網路協定 MMTLS 的安全和隱私特性,並發佈了首篇公開的研究報告。

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Global Research Network

Outputs related to the global community of practice that The Citizen Lab helps to cultivate through our Cyber Stewards Network, various fellowships, and events.

Latest Research

Asociación por los Derechos Civiles to hold public session at Inter-American Commission on Human Rights

Cyber Steward Network partner Asociación por los Derechos Civiles (ADC) will lead a public hearing at the 167 extraordinary period of session of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR). Taking place on February 28 at 11:30 am EST, the hearing is titled “Digital Intelligence, Cybersecurity, and Freedom of Expression in America”. The topics to be addressed in… Read more »

Sula Batsu Honoured with 2017 EQUALS in Tech Award

Cyber Stewards Network organization Sula Batsu Cooperativa has been honoured with a 2017 EQUALS in Tech Award. Presented at the Internet Governance Forum at the United Nations in December, Kemly Camacho– Sula Batsu Coordinator– accepted the award on behalf of the group. They were recognized in the Leadership category for their work to create women-led… Read more »

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Tools & Resources

While The Citizen Lab is primarily focused on high-level academic research, we also produce accessible tools and educational resources to help everyone better navigate their online lives. Below are some of the latest projects that are aimed at making everyone safer online.

Access My Info

Access My Info is a project designed to understand what can be learned about company data practices by filing data access requests (DARs), seeking access to the requester’s personal information held by a company.
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