Citizen Lab Researcher Jakub Dalek, along with Andrei Soldatov and Irina Borogan of Agentura.Ru, delivered a talk at the Andrei Sakharov Archives and Human Rights Center in Moscow, Russia on the general security landscape for activists. It is an important topic considering that the work of journalists, activists, and human rights defenders today is near-impossible without modern communication tools and technologies. As a result, the risk of compromising sensitive information and its sources have increased dramatically: laptops can be seized at a border and passwords can be stolen. A recording of the talk is available on the Sakharov Center’s UStream page.
Soldatov and Borogan have published articles as part of a series on Russia’s surveillance state by Agentura.Ru, Citizen Lab, and Privacy International. Read “Surveillance at the Sochi Olympics 2014” (October 2013) and “Russia’s Surveillance State” (September 2013).
Subsequently, Dalek was interviewed by Media Leaks, a Russian news outlet, on the threats that Internet users face online and the basic security skills that are needed to protect oneself. Read the interview (in Russian).