Christopher Parsons was interviewed by a number of news outlets throughout April, loosely on the subjects of national security, critical digital infrastructure, and government transparency. He spoke with Vice’s Motherboard about the motivations and concerns associated with the Government of Canada’s purchase of encrypted telephones and fax machines from the National Security Agency, and with Global News, Vice, CBC, and SiriusFM about the threats that the ‘Heartbleed’ OpenSSL vulnerability created for Canadians.
Related to software vulnerabilities, Parsons discussed the challenges that Canadian ‘white hat’ hackers can face when they report about software vulnerabilities in commercially sold software products.
He was also interviewed by the Toronto Star as part of an article that investigated the strength of Canadian Access to Information laws. Specifically, he spoke about how mobile and personal communications systems have brought about both opportunities and challenges for learning about how and why governments create the laws and policies that they do.