Irene Poetranto


Manipulating social networks

In this op-ed article, author Jillian C. York discusses the tendency of activists to censor themselves using special tools like Tor, or staying off certain networks altogether, due to the knowledge that posting the wrong picture on Facebook can get them arrested, if not worse.

Syria’s digital counter-revolutionaries

In this article, The Atlantic reports on the Syrian Electronic Army, an open and organized pro-government computer attack group that is operating with at least tacit support from the regime, who uses DDoS attacks, phishing scams, and other tricks to fight opposition activists online.

Citizen Lab Briefing – August 2011 Edition

The Citizen Lab is pleased to announce the publication of a monthly Citizen Lab Briefing, which will feature latest news from the Citizen Lab and its related projects, articles about our new publications and information about our upcoming events.

Fake Facebook page targets pro-revolution Syrian users

The Information Warfare Monitor (IWM), a research collaboration between the Citizen Lab at the Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto and the SecDev Group, an operational think tank based in a Ottawa, Canada, has uncovered an attempt to lure pro-revolution Syrian Facebook users into providing their login credentials by using a fake URL and login page.

New Reports on Circumvention Tool Usage, International Bloggers, and Internet Control

The Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University has released three new publications as part of their circumvention project. Over the past two years, the Center has carried out a number of research activities designed to improve our understanding of the knowledge, usage, and effectiveness of circumvention tools as a means to promote access to information online in repressive online environments.

CBC Radio Calgary Interviews Dr. Rafal Rohozinski

On Tuesday, August 16, CBC Radio Calgary’s David Gray interviews Rafal Rohozinski on the future of cybersecurity. Dr. Rohozinski is in Calgary to speak at the Globalfest Human Rights Forum August 17th at 7:30am.

Listen to the full interview here.