Mona Wang
「請勿公開」:搜狗拼音輸入法 (Sogou Keyboard) 加密中的漏洞使按鍵暴露於網路竊聽之風險
我們分析了騰訊的搜狗拼音輸入法,該輸入法每月活躍使用者超過 4.5 億,是中國最受歡迎的中文輸入法。
“Please do not make it public”: Vulnerabilities in Sogou Keyboard encryption expose keypresses to network eavesdropping
In this report, we analyze the Windows, Android, and iOS versions of Tencent’s Sogou Input Method, the most popular Chinese-language input method in China. Our analysis found serious vulnerabilities in the app’s custom encryption system and how it encrypts sensitive data. These vulnerabilities could allow a network eavesdropper to decrypt sensitive communications sent by the app, including revealing all keystrokes being typed by the user. Following our disclosure of these vulnerabilities, Sogou released updated versions of the app that identified all of the issues we disclosed.
解读 WeChat 生态系统中的隐私问题
该报告通过审查 WeChat 应用程序在其各种功能正常运行期间收集并发送到 WeChat 服务器的数据,对流行应用程序 WeChat 的隐私问题进行了分析。我们发现,他们收集的使用数据多于 WeChat 隐私政策中披露的程度。
WeChat 生態系統的隱私權解析
這份報告檢視熱門應用程式 WeChat 在其各種功能的正常運作過程中所蒐集並傳送至 WeChat 伺服器的資料,以此分析該應用程式存在的隱私問題。我們發現,WeChat 蒐集的使用資料比在隱私權政策中公布的還要多。
Should We Chat? Privacy in the WeChat Ecosystem
We conducted the first analysis of WeChat’s tracking ecosystem. Using reverse engineering methods to intercept WeChat’s network requests, we identified exactly what types of data the WeChat app is sending to its servers, and when. This report is part one of a two-part series on a privacy and security analysis of the WeChat ecosystem.
Privacy in the WeChat Ecosystem Explained
This FAQ accompanies the full report on privacy in the WeChat ecosystem. We analyzes privacy issues with popular app WeChat by reviewing the data collected by the app and sent to WeChat servers during the regular operation of its various features. We find that they collect more usage data than is disclosed in the WeChat privacy policy.