
Citizen Lab's latest news and announcements.

The NSO connection to Jamal Khashoggi

Citizen Lab senior research fellow Bill Marczak and Saudi dissident Omar Abdulaziz joined CNN to discuss how NSO’s Pegasus spyware found on Omar’s phone is linked to Jamal Khashoggi.

How a Canadian permanent resident and Saudi Arabian dissident was targeted with powerful spyware on Canadian soil

Following a Citizen Lab report that identified the presence of NSO’s Pegasus spyware technology in Quebec, researchers contacted Omar Abdulaziz, a Saudi Arabian dissident and Canadian permanent resident who has long been critical of the regime in Riyadh. After an extensive investigation, they discovered that his phone had been targeted with this powerful spyware and the operators of the technology were linked to Saudi Arabia’s government and security services.

Nowhere To Hide: The Impact of Technology-Facilitated Violence, Abuse, and Harassment, and What We Can Do About It

On Tuesday, November 27, 2018 (05:00 PM – 06:30 PM) Citizen Lab senior researcher Irene Poetranto will be participating in a panel discussion addressing issues of technology-facilitated violence. In partnership with the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management, this free event will cut across sectors and challenge participants to think critically about the factors that create environments for gender-based online violence to thrive and consider options for countering these systemic and toxic trends.

جاءت المملكة إلى كندا: كيف وصل التجسس الرقمي المرتبط بالسعودية إلى الأراضي الكندية

في هذا التقرير ، نَصِف كيف تم استهداف المقيم الدائم في كندا، والمنشق السعودي؛ “عمر عبد العزيز”، عبر إشعار مزيف عن “تتبع شحنة بريد”. نحن وجدنا -وبثقة عالية- أن هاتف عبد العزيز قد تم استهدافه ببرنامج التجسس “بيغاسوس” من شركة NSO. نعزو هذه الإصابة إلى مشغل “بيغاسوس” مرتبط بالمملكة العربية السعودية.

Ottawa needs to act on global censorship of LGBTQ2+ content

This call comes on the heels of recent Citizen Lab research which shows that Netsweeper, a Canadian company who has received funding from the Canadian government, is being used by governments to block access to content in ten authoritarian countries around the world, including LGBTQ2+ sites.