
Citizen Lab's latest news and announcements.

Open letter to Sandvine requesting evidence of the adequacy and effectiveness of the announced reforms

The Citizen Lab’s director Ron Deibert and senior researcher John Scott-Railton co-signed an open letter spearheaded by Access Now, calling on Sandvine to publicly commit to upholding the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and to strengthen oversight and transparency of the company’s announced reforms. On October 31, 2024, Access Now, along… Read more »

Rebekah Brown and John Scott-Railton on Distilling Cyber Policy podcast

In the latest episode of the Distilling Cyber Policy podcast, Alex Botting and Jen Ellis from the Center for Cybersecurity Policy & Law are joined by Rebekah Brown and John Scott-Railton, senior researchers at the Citizen Lab. Together, they discuss the Citizen Lab’s “Rivers of Phish” report on sophisticated phishing targeting Russia’s perceived adversaries. The report was a collaborative investigation with Access Now alongside civil society organizations First Department, Arjuna Team, and

Legal barriers to justice: John Scott-Railton on the legal challenges faced by spyware victims

In order to pursue justice against spyware manufacturers such as the NSO Group and the governments that use this technology, victims must overcome significant legal challenges. Speaking with CyberScoop, John Scott-Railton, senior researcher at The Citizen Lab, discusses the challenges surrounding litigation, U.S. laws, and jurisdictional issues for victims seeking remedies. 

The Citizen Lab’s submission to the Senate Standing Committee on National Security, Defence and Veterans Affairs

Kate Robertson, Senior Researcher at the Citizen Lab provided a submission to the Senate Standing Committee on National Security, Defence, and Veterans Affairs, that contributes to the ongoing consideration of Bill C-26, which seeks to give the federal government the power to impose cybersecurity regulations on telecom and critical infrastructure providers in Canada. 

Senior fellow Lex Gill delivers testimony to the Foreign Interference Commission

Lex Gill, senior fellow at The Citizen Lab, delivered impactful comments to the Foreign Interference Commission at the public consultation hearing for the Public Inquiry into Foreign Interference in Federal Electoral Processes and Democratic Institutions this October. She argues that concerns regarding foreign interference cannot be used to justify rights-infringing powers for Canada’s national security… Read more »

Keynote Session by Kate Robertson at the 2024 APSIM Conference

We are thrilled to announce that Kate Robertson, Lawyer and senior research associate at the Citizen Lab will deliver a keynote at the upcoming Access, Privacy, Security, and Information Management Conference (APSIM).  In her keynote, titled “In the World of Privacy Regulation, What’s the Constitution got to do with it?” Kate will take a behind-the-scenes… Read more »

Assistant Professor, Information Security

The Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy in the Faculty of Arts & Science at the University of Toronto invites applications for a full-time tenure stream position in the area of Information Security. The appointment will be at the rank of Assistant Professor, with an anticipated start date of July 1, 2025.   The… Read more »