
Citizen Lab's latest news and announcements.

Morgan Marquis-Boire on Babar and Casper malware

Citizen Lab Senior Security Researcher Morgan Marquis-Boire contributed to research related to Babar, a piece of malware believed to have been produced by the French government. The software is capable of eavesdropping on online conversations, such as those held on Skype, MSN, and Yahoo Messenger.

Citizen Lab at RightsCon 2015

The Citizen Lab will be hosting two sessions, “Asia Chats” and “Filtering Free Expression,” at the RightsCon 2015 conference in Manila, Philippines.

Cyber Stewards at RightsCon 2015

The Citizen Lab will be hosting two sessions, “Asia Chats” and “Filtering Free Expression,” at the RightsCon 2015 conference in Manila, Philippines.

Bytes for All convenes 2015 Pakistan Cyberspace Conference

The 2015 Pakistan Cyberspace Conference, a two day conference (February 26-27) hosted by Bytes for All, convened government officials, human rights activists, media professionals, and business leaders to discuss a range of issues related to cyberspace in Pakistan. The conference sought to encourage government officials to formulate informed policy on cyberspace issues, in light of input from civil society and business leaders.

Forbes on Citizen Lab’s Syria research

An article by Forbes magazine discusses FireEye’s recent report on Syria, authored by Daniel Regalado, Citizen Lab Technical Advisory Board member Nart Villeneuve, and Citizen Lab Research Fellow John Scott Railton.

Ron Deibert at Pakistan Cyberspace conference

Citizen Lab Director Ron Deibert delivered a keynote address and contributed to a panel discussion as part of the 2015 Pakistan Cyberspace conference, held in Islamabad.

Ron Deibert speaks to Globe and Mail on Five Eyes memo leak

The document is a memo circulated among the Five Eyes, a network of English-speaking intelligence agencies. Though the document does not name the hackers whose data were stolen, it made it clear that they had ties to the Chinese government, and were spying on human rights defenders and Uyghur activists in the country.