Citizen Lab's latest news and announcements.
Sochi, Surveillance and Citizen Lab in the news
Th upcoming Sochi Olympics are drawing media attention to the well-documented cyber surveillance system in Russia.
Cyber Stewards at the Fourth Arab Bloggers Meeting in Jordan
From 20-23 January, activists and bloggers from across the Arab world gathered in Amman, Jordan for the Fourth Arab Bloggers Meeting.
Andrei Soldatov to discuss Russian cyber surveillance at European Parliament Committee meeting
Investigative Journalist Andrei Soldatov was invited to make a contribution to an inquiry on the Russian electronic mass surveillance system.
Morgan Marquis-Boire interviewed in Germany’s largest weekly
Citizen Lab Security Researcher Morgan Marquis-Boire was interviewed about NSA surveillance for Zeit, Germany’s largest weekly paper.
Ron Deibert on CBC Metro Morning
Professor Deibert spoke about the upcoming Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, also known as “The Surveillance Games”.
Censorship on China’s Sina Weibo: VICE Podcast
Citizen Lab Research Fellow Jason Q. Ng was interviewed by VICE podcast’s Reihan Salam.
Research Fellow Bill Marczak’s Bahrain Watch blocks tear gas exports to Bahrain
Research Fellow Bill Marczak’s Bahrain Watch announced that its #StopTheShipment campaign has succeeded in blocking tear gas exports to Bahrain.