Citizen Lab Senior Advisor Robert Guerra in the Toronto Star
Source: The Toronto Star
Citizen Lab Senior Advisor Robert Guerra was interviewed in the Toronto Star about the newly released .XXX domains available for purchase.
Citizen Lab's latest news and announcements.
Source: The Toronto Star
Citizen Lab Senior Advisor Robert Guerra was interviewed in the Toronto Star about the newly released .XXX domains available for purchase.
On Monday, December 5, Canada Centre for Global Security Studies Senior Scholar Rafal Rohozinski and Jesse Hirsh, a Toronto-based Internet strategist, researcher and broadcaster will be participating in The Couchiching Institute roundtable.
One year ago, on November 28, 2010, five major newspapers including The New York Times and The Guardian simultaneously published the first 220 of 251,287 confidential US diplomatic cables collected by the whistle-blower organization known as WikiLeaks. Many things have changed since then, including our perception of hacktivism and of its role in the cyberpower game.
Citizen Lab is pleased to welcome Dr. Eneken Tikk-Ringas as Citizen Lab and Canada Centre Post-Doctoral Fellow.
On Wednesday, November 30, 1-3 PM, Canada Centre Senior Fellow in Future Crime Marc Goodman will be presenting a talk titled, The Future of Crime, at the University of Toronto’s George Ignatieff Theatre, Trinity College 15 Devonshire Place Toronto, ON M5S 1H8 (map). He was interviewed recently by Citizen Lab Director Ron Deibert.
Citizen Lab Senior Analytics and Visualization Developer Greg Wiseman Attended the EU Hackathon as a representative of the Citizen Lab and OpenNet Initiative. Developers from 17 different countries had 23 hours to create projects meant to raise awareness of issues regarding Internet quality, censorship, and transparency.
Citizen Lab’s new report, The Canadian Connection: An investigation of Syrian government and Hezbullah web hosting in Canada was featured in numerous media, including the Globe and Mail.
Citizen Lab Director Ron Deibert sat down with Masala Canada’s Wojtek Gwiazda from Radio Canada International to talk about the impact of an increase in “cloud computing” on issues of policing, privacy and human rights.
On Tuesday, 29 November 2011, Citizen Lab Post-Doctoral Fellow Stefania Milan will be participating in an event at the Media@McGill research centre at McGill University, Beyond Wikileaks: Journalism, Politics and Activism, One Year After Cablegate.
Following the release of Citizen Lab’s brief, Behind Blue Coat: Investigations of commercial filtering in Syria and Burma, Citizen Lab Director Ron Deibert spoke to Marco Werman about the research findings on BBC’s The World.