
Pertaining to a member of the Citizen Lab community.

Canadian Cyberbullying Legislation Threatens to Further Legitimize Malware Sales

By getting into the malware business the federal and potentially provincial governments of Canada would be confronted with an ongoing reality: is the role of government to maximally protect its citizens, including from criminals leveraging vulnerabilities to spy on Canadians, or is it to partially protect citizens so long as such protections do not weaken the state’s ability to secure itself from persons suspected of violating any Act of Parliament?

Pemblokiran Vimeo di Indonesia

Kemarahan publik yang terjadi setelah pemblokiran Vimeo telah menunjukkan bahwa netizen Indonesia semakin lebih sadar akan nilai Internet sebagai alat untuk mempromosikan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan, tetapi juga akan hak-hak mereka untuk mengakses, menerima dan menyampaikan informasi dan ide-ide mereka.

Responding to the Crisis in Canadian Telecommunications

In this post we explain how Canadians can issue requests to their telecommunications companies to learn what personal information those companies collect, retain, and disclose about them. We argue that Canadians should do this both to empower themselves and to enable Canadian policy experts and government officials to better hold the companies to account.