Research News

Citizen Lab's latest research publications.

The Canadian Connection: An investigation of Syrian government and Hezbullah web hosting in Canada

A new report, entitled The Canadian Connection: An investigation of Syrian government and Hezbullah web hosting in Canada, continues Citizen Lab research into the intersection of the private sector, authoritarianism, and cyberspace regulation, turning our attention to a component of the Internet that does not typically receive the same amount of attention as filtering, surveillance, and computer network attack products and services: web hosting services.

OpenNet Initiative Releases New Report on Faith-Based Censorship

The OpenNet Initiative (ONI) is pleased to release In the Name of God: Faith Based Internet Censorship in Majority Muslim Countries. This occasional paper analyzes the Internet censorship policies and practices of majority Muslim countries and finds that in many of these countries online information controls are primarily based on the Islamic faith and interpretations of its instructions

Op-Ed: Breaking up dark clouds in cyberspace

Today, no country is secure in the global sea of information. Preserving cyberspace requires a strategy to address the dark side of the Internet, write Ron Deibert and Rafal Rohozinski in today’s Globe and Mail newspaper.