Targeted Threats

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Investigations into the prevalence and impact of digital espionage operations against civil society groups. For our research on Digital Transnational Repression, visit this page to explore our reports, media mentions, and resources.

Featured in Targeted Threats

Digital Transnational Repression Explained

Citizen Lab produced an animated explainer video on digital transnational repression in Canada that also highlight some of the stories of the interviewees while also protecting their identities.

Latest Research

Virtù o vizio? Un primo sguardo alle operazioni in espansione dello spyware di Paragon

Un’introduzione a Paragon Solutions. Paragon Solutions è stata fondata in Israele nel 2019 e vende uno spyware chiamato Graphite. L’azienda si descrive come diversa dagli altri produttori, affermando di disporre di salvaguardie per prevenire i tipi di abusi di spyware per cui NSO Group e altri fornitori sono noti. Analisi dell’infrastruttura dello spyware Paragon. Sulla… Read more »

Virtue or Vice? A First Look at Paragon’s Proliferating Spyware Operations

In our first investigation into Israel-based spyware company, Paragon Solutions, we begin to untangle multiple threads connected to the proliferation of Paragon’s mercenary spyware operations across the globe. This report includes an infrastructure analysis of Paragon’s spyware product, called Graphite; a forensic analysis of infected devices belonging to members of civil society; and a closer look at the use of Paragon spyware in both Canada and Italy.

Online Presentation of No Escape – Tackling Gender-Based Digital Transnational Repression: March 24, 10 am ET

Join us on March 24, 2025, for a virtual presentation and Q&A on the gendered dimension of digital transnational repression. The Citizen Lab’s Siena Anstis, Noura Aljizawi, and Marcus Michaelsen will share key findings from their December 2024 report, “No Escape: The Weaponization of Gender for the Purposes of Digital Transnational Repression,” followed by a… Read more »