Access My Info

ResearchTools & Resources

Access My Info is a project designed to understand what can be learned about company data practices by filing data access requests (DARs), seeking access to the requester’s personal information held by a company.

Use the AMI tool to make a personal data request in AMI Canada and AMI Hong Kong. Interested in running your own AMI project? Download the full AMI playbook.

Latest Research

Access My Info: Measuring Data Access Rights Around the World

This report presents results from a series of research projects that measured responses to personal data requests from telecommunication companies and Internet Service Providers across jurisdictions in Asia including Australia, Hong Kong, South Korea, Indonesia, and Malaysia. Overall, the projects found responses from telecoms were incomplete and in some cases did not follow what is required by law.

Ron Deibert’s op-ed on Access My Info

Citizen Lab Director Ron Deibert authored an op-ed for CBC News detailing the newly revamped Access My Info tool, which now includes fitness trackers and dating applications. The tool allows Canadians to exercise their right to inquire about the information that technology companies store about them.

Access My Info Canada now include fitness trackers, dating apps

Access My Info (AMI), a web tool used to submit disclosure requests to companies on the data they collect and share with third parties about their customers, has now been expanded to submit disclosure requests to fitness tracker companies and dating applications.

Access My Info launched in Hong Kong

Access My Info (AMI), a web tool used to submit disclosure requests to telecommunications providers on the data they collect and share with third parties about their customers, launched in Hong Kong.