Search Results for: NSO

No Access: LGBTIQ Website Censorship in Six Countries

The Citizen Lab, OutRight Action International, and the Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI) collaborated to conduct research on LGBTIQ website censorship and its impact on LGBTIQ communities. The results indicate the technical and legal obstacles many users have in accessing LGBTIQ news, health, and human rights websites.

Tidak Ada Akses: Penyensoran Situs LGBTIQ di Enam Negara

Tujuan dari penelitian kami adalah sebagai berikut. Mendokumentasikan situs web LGBTIQ mana yang diblokir di enam negara; Menyelidiki bagaimana penyensoran situs LGBTIQ berdampak pada komunitas LGBTIQ lokal dan gerakan mereka untuk mengamankan keadilan dan kesetaraan; dan
Menentukan bagaimana Penyedia Jasa Internet (ISP) lokal menerapkan pemblokiran situs web.

من اللؤلؤة إلى بيغاسوس: الحكومة البحرينية تخترق نشطاء عبر استغلال ثغرة “Zero-Click” من “NSO Group”

لقد حددنا تسعة نشطاء بحرينيين تم اختراق أجهزتهم الآيفون باستخدام برنامج تجسس “Pegasus” من NSO Group في الفترة ما بين يونيو 2020 و فبراير 2021. بعض النشطاء قد تم اختراقهم باستغلال ثغرتين zero-click في iMessage, كنا قد سمينا الثغرتين التي تم اكتشافها في 2020 ب KISMET، أما الثغرة المستخدمة في 2021 فنسميها FORCEDENTRY

From Pearl to Pegasus: Bahraini Government Hacks Activists with NSO Group Zero-Click iPhone Exploits

We identified nine Bahraini activists whose iPhones were successfully hacked with NSO Group’s Pegasus spyware between June 2020 and February 2021. The hacked activists included three members of Waad (a secular Bahraini political society), three members of the Bahrain Center for Human Rights, two exiled Bahraini dissidents, and one member of Al Wefaq (a Shiite Bahraini political society).

Apple Engraving Censorship Explained

On August 18, the Citizen Lab published an analysis of Apple product engraving services and observed censorship. In this post, we discuss the significance of the findings with report authors. What has your study of Apple engraving services revealed? We analyzed Apple’s filtering of product engravings in six regions, discovering 1,105 keyword filtering rules used… Read more »