Sarah McKune



Citizen Lab Open Letter in Advance of the Equal Rights Coalition Global Conference (August 5-7, 2018, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada)

The Citizen Lab has sent an open letter to the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of both Canada and Chile, as co-chairs of the Equal Rights Coalition (ERC), and Mr. Randy Boissonnault, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister on LGBTQ2 Issues, flagging important issues for discussion at the upcoming ERC Global Conference on LGBTI Human Rights and Inclusive Development (August 5-7, 2018, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada).

Planet Netsweeper: Executive Summary

This report describes our investigation into the global proliferation of Internet filtering systems manufactured by the Canadian company, Netsweeper Inc.

Planet Netsweeper: Section 1 – Methodology & Technical Findings

This section details the research questions that informed our study. We also outline in detail the methods that we adopted to identify Netsweeper installations worldwide, and those that we employed to reduce the findings to countries of interest. We also present high-level technical findings and observations.

Planet Netsweeper: Section 2 – Country Case Studies

In this section, we spotlight several countries where we have evidence of public ISPs blocking websites using Netsweeper’s products. Each country has significant human rights, public policy, insecurity, or corruption challenges, and/or a history of using Internet censorship to prevent access to content that is protected under international human rights frameworks.

Planet Netsweeper: Section 3 – Discussion & Conclusions

This section examines the legal, regulatory, corporate social responsibility, and other public policy issues raised by our report’s findings. We focus on the responsibilities of Netsweeper, Inc. and the obligations of the Canadian government under international human rights law.

KÖTÜ TRAFİK: Sandvine’ın PacketLogic Cihazları Türkiye’de Hükümetin Casus Program Kullanmasına, Mısır’da ise Kullanıcıları Bağlantılı Reklamlara Yönlendirmeye mi Yarıyor?

Bu rapor, Sandvine/Procera Networks Derin Veri Analizi (DPI) cihazlarının, Türkiye’de ve dolaylı olarak Suriye’de devlet menşeili kötücül yazılım yaymak; Mısır’da ise reklam ve kripto para madenciliği marifetiyle gizlice para toplamak için kullanımına yönelik araştırmamızı anlatmaktadır.  

أزمة مرورية: أجهزة ساندفين باكيت لوجيك استُخدمت لنشر برامج التجسس الحكومية في تركيا وإعادة توجيه المستخدمين المصريين إلى الإعلانات التابعة لها؟

يشرح هذا التقرير تحقيقنا عن استخدام واضح لأجهزة فحص عميق للحزم (DPI) من شركة ساندفين\بروكيرا لنشر البرامج الضارة في تركيا وبشكل غير مباشر إلى سوريا، وجمع الأموال سرا من خلال الإعلانات التابعة لتعدين العملات الرقمية في مصر.