In the Media

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Citizen Lab staff and research in the news.

Morgan Marquis-Boire on malware attribution

In an interview with Scientific American, Citizen Lab Senior Security Researcher Morgan Marquis-Boire explained the techniques and associated challenges in identifying the perpetrators of malware attacks.

Christopher Parsons on Canada’s monitoring of social media

Canada’s Department of National Defence, and its associated research wing, Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC), are looking to purchase software to analyze social media streams in real-time. Christopher Parsons weighs in on concerns of the possibility of accidentally collecting Canadians’ personal information.

Ron Deibert in The Varsity

Director Ron Deibert outlined the Citizen Lab’s research interests, methods, and objectives in an interview with The Varsity, the University of Toronto’s student newspaper.

Christopher Parsons on Pakistan’s BlackBerry information requests

Pakistan and BlackBerry have agreed to delay the shutdown of BlackBerry’s Enterprise Server (BES) by one month. This comes months after Pakistan initially ordered the shutdown of the company’s encrypted messaging services for businesses. Postdoctoral Fellow Christopher Parsons weighed in on the policy reasons for the disagreement.