
Citizen Lab's latest news and announcements.

Secure Your Chats: Why Encrypted Messaging Matters

End-to-end encrypted messaging is effective at protecting the content of your messages from being read as they travel across the Internet to your friends and family. This is why the Citizen Lab has released Secure Your Chats: a Net Alert resource that outlines how to safely use end-to-end encryption.

Submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women, its Causes, and Consequences

In preparation for the Special Rapporteur’s presentation to the UNHRC next June, the submission reviews some of the barriers to addressing problems of technology-facilitated violence, abuse, and harassment against women and girls; contextualizes the complicated environment within which online harassment operates; and suggests recommendations to address, mitigate, and remedy these issues.

International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists

Several Citizen Lab reports have highlighted the digital threats that journalists face. In the past year alone, we’ve investigated three separate cases where journalists and news outlets have been the targets of online harassment, manipulation, and persecution.

An Open Letter on Sexual Assault

In September 2017, I was made aware of an account of sexual assault involving Morgan Marquis-Boire that coincided with a Citizen Lab event, the Cyber Dialogue, in 2014. At Citizen Lab, we take all instances and reports of sexual assault very seriously and this is no exception.

Ramy Raoof Joins Tor Project Board of Directors

Citizen Lab Research Fellow Ramy Raoof has recently joined the Board of Directors for the Tor Project. Raoof will bring his background as a technologist and security researcher to help the organization establish and strengthen mechanisms for community participation and transparency.

Bill Marczak to Speak at Crisis Code: Humanitarian Protection in the Digital Age

September 27, 2017 – San Francisco, USA Hosted by swissnex San Francisco and the Consulate General of Switzerland in San Francisco, the two-day event will focus on the cross-section of humanitarian relief and technological advances, fostering discussions around how digital tools can be leveraged to help vulnerable communities.