Citizen Lab's latest news and announcements.
Christopher Parsons on privacy of Canadians’ communications data
Christopher Parsons was interviewed by a number of media outlets throughout March, focusing on government access to telecommunications data held by private companies, and on companies’ internal data handling practices.
Ron Deibert joins privacy debate at the Globe and Mail
Deibert was joined by Omar El Akkad, Technology reporter at the Globe and Mail and Mornay Walters, Chief Executive Officer of Seecrypt Group, a maker of secure communications software for mobile devices.
Morgan Marquis-Boire joins Freedom of the Press Foundation Advisory Board
Citizen Lab Senior Researcher Morgan Marquis-Boire has been invited to join the Freedom of the Press Foundation’s new Technical Advisory Board.
Jason Q. Ng quoted in AFP on Weibo IPO
Citizen Lab Research Fellow Jason Q. Ng was quoted in a recent story about Chinese microblogging platform Weibo.