
Citizen Lab's latest news and announcements.

University of Toronto Magazine: The Extremism Machine

The Capitol uprising of January 6, 2021 led to intensified discussions regarding the rise of disinformation. John Scott-Railton, Ron Deibert, and Gabrielle Lim comment on the Citizen Lab’s mission to track technological threats against civil society.

Bill C-11 Explained

On April 22, the Citizen Lab published recommendations for Bill C-11, proposed updates to Canadian federal commercial privacy legislation. In this explainer, we discuss those recommendations with Christopher Parsons, the post’s lead author.

Canada’s Proposed Privacy Law Reforms Are Not Enough: A Path to Improving Organizational Transparency and Accountability

Given our experiences, we have specific recommendations for how any federal commercial privacy legislation must be amended to better protect individuals from the predations and power of private organizations. In making our recommendations we have chosen to focus almost exclusively on the Openness and Transparency, Access to and Amendment of Personal Information, and Whistleblower sections of Bill C-11.

Ron Deibert Receives ISA Award

Citizen Lab founder and director, Ron Deibert, has been honoured as a Distinguished Scholar by the International Studies Association (ISA). Delivered every two years, the award honours “exceptional scholarship accomplishments and contributions to the development of the study of International Relations in Canada.”

Response to NSO Group on the Great iPwn Report

Since 2016, the Citizen Lab has published numerous reports regarding the use of Pegasus spyware against human rights defenders, journalists, politicians, and other members of civil society. Despite these findings, NSO Group has failed to substantively engage or respond to the research presented by the Citizen Lab and other organizations.