Targeted Threats

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Investigations into the prevalence and impact of digital espionage operations against civil society groups. For our research on Digital Transnational Repression, visit this page to explore our reports, media mentions, and resources.

Featured in Targeted Threats

Digital Transnational Repression Explained

Citizen Lab produced an animated explainer video on digital transnational repression in Canada that also highlight some of the stories of the interviewees while also protecting their identities.

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Psychological and Emotional War: Digital Transnational Repression in Canada

In this report, we describe how activists and dissidents living in Canada are impacted by digital transnational repression. We conclude that digital transnational repression has a serious impact on these communities, including their ability to undertake transnational advocacy work related to human rights. Yet, there is little support for victims who experience such targeting and policy efforts by the Canadian government to date have been insufficient.

اللؤلؤة 2 بيغاسوس: اختراق نشطاء بحرينيين ببيغاسوس، فقط بعد أيام من تقرير يؤكد اختراق ضحايا آخرين

يؤكد التحقيق الذي أجريناه أن الهواتف التي تخص ثلاثة أفراد في البحرين قد تم اختراقها في عام 2021 باستخدام برنامج التجسس Pegasus التابع لمجموعة NSO. وافق اثنان من الأفراد المستهدفين على ذكر أسمائهم.

Proyecto Torogoz: Hackeo extensivo de los medios de comunicación y la sociedad civil en El Salvador con el programa espía Pegasus

El Citizen Lab y Access Now han confirmado 35 casos de periodistas y miembros de la sociedad civil salvadoreña cuyos teléfonos fueron infectados con el programa espía Pegasus del NSO entre julio del 2020 y noviembre del 2021. Hemos compartido una muestra de nuestros datos forenses con el Laboratorio de Seguridad de Amnistía Internacional, el cual confirma de forma independiente los hallazgos.