Search Results for: nso

New York Times: WhatsApp Says Israeli Firm Used Its App in Spy Program

As part of our investigation into the incident, Citizen Lab has identified over 100 cases of abusive targeting of human rights defenders and journalists in at least 20 countries across the globe, ranging from Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and North America that took place after Novalpina Capital acquired NSO Group and began an ongoing public relations campaign to promote the narrative that the new ownership would curb abuses.

خطوات لتكون أكثر أمانًا بعد استهداف محتمل لجهازك المحمول

English العربية Español ما هذا؟ هذه الصفحة مخصصة فقط لمستخدمي Android الذين تلقوا اتصالًا رسميًا باستهداف محتمل في حادثة تتعلق ببرامج التجسس الخاصة بـ NSO Group والتي حدثت في ربيع عام 2019. في حال لم يتم التواصل معك، فمن المرجح ألا تكون هذه النصيحة مناسبة لك. إذا كنتكنت تبحث عن نصائح عامة حول كيفية رفع… Read more »


English العربية Español What Is This? This page is intended ONLY for Android users receiving an official outreach of possible targeting in an incident related to NSO Group’s spyware that took place in Spring 2019. If you did not get such an outreach, this advice is probably not right for you. If you are looking… Read more »

Access My Info: Measuring Data Access Rights Around the World

This report presents results from a series of research projects that measured responses to personal data requests from telecommunication companies and Internet Service Providers across jurisdictions in Asia including Australia, Hong Kong, South Korea, Indonesia, and Malaysia. Overall, the projects found responses from telecoms were incomplete and in some cases did not follow what is required by law.

CLSI 2019 in Review

CLSI brings together academics, researchers, activists, and frontline workers and asks them to address some of the most pressing issues at the intersection of digital security and human rights.

Citizen Lab at FOCI ’19

This year, Citizen Lab researchers will present on issues ranging from WeChat image filtering to the methodologies used for identifying commercial spyware abuses.

Session Guidelines

What makes a good CLSI Session? The purpose of CLSI is to be an interactive, participant-led workshop that leads to tangible outcomes. The session description should present the problem/issue being examined, the kinds of data that will be used in the session, and description of the current state of the project or activity. Objectives should… Read more »