Search Results for: nso

Watch Citizen Lab’s feature on TVO’S Empire of Word

Empire of the Word – Forbidden Reading (3 of 4) Readers and writers the world over have been punished and persecuted for expressing their ideas or by simply carrying the wrong book. Nazi book burnings, publisher Barney Rosset’s legendary legal battles in the 1950s and 60s over the right to publish the uncensored works of… Read more »

Faculty generate 10 of top 25 world-changing ideas

Professor Ron Deibert, director of Citizen Lab at the Munk Centre for International Studies, and his team grabbed the top spot on the list for Psiphon, a tool that allows broad Internet access to citizens of countries where use is censored by the government without the fear of their being detected, since the tool uses… Read more »

The Citizen Lab proudly signs the Madrid Declaration

Affirming that privacy is a fundamental human right set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and other human rights instruments and national constitutions; […] From The Public Voice Global Privacy Standards for a Global World The Madrid Privacy Declaration 3 November 2009 Affirming that privacy… Read more »


GLA2010H The Geopolitics of Information and Communication Technologies The GLA2010H course is an intensive examination of the ways in which states and non-state actors are contesting the newly evolving terrain of global digital-electronic-telecommunications. Topics covered include Internet censorship and surveillance, information warfare, computer network attacks, hacktivism, and governance of global communications. The course is organized… Read more »


Director Ron Deibert gave a talk titled “The global battle for the future of cyberspace” in Den Haag (The Hague), Netherlands, on 22 November at 3 PM. Deibert spoke alongside Marietje Schaake, a member of the European Parliament, and William H. Dutton, a Professor of Internet Studies at the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford…. Read more »


Research Reports Director Ron Deibert’s blog posts provide summaries and analysis of Citizen Lab research reports and can be found here. John Scott-Railton, Rebekah Brown, Ksenia Ermoshina, and Ron Deibert. “Rivers of Phish: Sophisticated Phishing Targets Russia’s Perceived Enemies Around the Globe,” Citizen Lab Report No. 177, University of Toronto, August 14, 2024. John Scott-Railton,… Read more »


Director Ronald J. Deibert Professor of Political Science, Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy Director email: ron at (pgp) Staff and Research Fellows Bahr Abdul Razzak Security Researcher email: bahr at (pgp) Mohamed Ahmed Research Assistant email: mohamed.ahmed at Noura Al-Jizawi Senior Researcher email: noura at David Annable Systems… Read more »

About the Citizen Lab

The Citizen Lab is an interdisciplinary laboratory based at the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, University of Toronto, focusing on research, development, and high-level strategic policy and legal engagement at the intersection of information and communication technologies, human rights, and global security. We use a “mixed methods” approach to research combining practices… Read more »

Tracking GhostNet: Investigating a Cyber Espionage Network

Researchers at the Information Warfare Monitor uncovered a suspected cyber espionage network of over 1,295 infected hosts in 103 countries. This finding comes at the close of a 10-month investigation of alleged Chinese cyber spying against Tibetan institutions that consisted of fieldwork, technical scouting, and laboratory analysis. Close to 30% of the infected hosts are… Read more »