Search Results for: wechat

Tibet Action Institute launches Cyber Superhero campaign

Cyber Stewards Network partner Tibet Action Institute has launched a new program aimed at getting ordinary users of mobile and online technology in Tibet to adopt safe habits capable of preventing malware and viral attacks. The ‘Cyber Superhero’ website contains information that is particularly relevant for Tibetans living in exile, whose online and mobile communications with friends and family in Tibet are often the subject of security intrusions and malware attacks by Chinese government officials.

Monitoring Information Controls in Iraq in Reaction to ISIS Insurgency

In this report, we document the results of network measurement tests we ran to determine how the Internet is being filtered in Iraq in reaction to ongoing insurgency in the country. The results identify 20 unique URLs that are blocked on three Iraq-based Internet Service Providers. Notably, none of the 7 websites we tested that are affiliated with, or supportive, of the jihadist insurgent group the Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) were found to be blocked.

Jason Q. Ng in The Atlantic

Citizen Lab Research Fellow Jason Q. Ng published a piece in The Atlantic on 27 November. Titled, “How Tech Companies Can Help Overcome Chinese Censorship”, the piece looks at companies facilitating censorship in China.

Asia Chats: Analyzing Information Controls and Privacy in Asian Messaging Applications

This post is an introduction to Asia Chats a research project analyzing
information controls and privacy in mobile messaging applications used
in Asia. The project will produce a series of reports that will begin
with a focus on WeChat, LINE, and KakaoTalk. Reports will include
analysis based on our technical investigation of censorship or
surveillance functionality, assessment of privacy issues surrounding
these applications’ use and storage of user data, and comparison of the
terms of service and privacy policies of the applications.

Permission to Spy: An Analysis of Android Malware Targeting Tibetans

This blog post reports on a malware attack in which a compromised version of Kakao Talk, an Android-based mobile messaging client, was sent in a highly-targeted email to a prominent individual in the Tibetan community. The malware is designed to send a user’s contacts, SMS message history, and cellular network location to attackers. This post was updated on 18 April 2013.

Citizen Lab Newsletter Archives

Archives of Citizen Lab Briefing newsletters we’ve sent. Subscribe to the Citizen Lab newsletter. Privacy Policy 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 2019 February 2019 – Citizen Lab researchers targeted, continued abuse of NSO technology in Mexico, and applications open for 2019 Citizen Lab Summer Institute 2018 November… Read more »


Research Reports Director Ron Deibert’s blog posts provide summaries and analysis of Citizen Lab research reports and can be found here. John Scott-Railton, Bill Marczak, Bahr Abdul Razzak, Ksenia Ermoshina, Siena Anstis, and Ron Deibert. “By Whose Authority? Pegasus targeting of Russian & Belarusian-speaking opposition activists and independent media in Europe,” Citizen Lab Report No…. Read more »