Helmi Noman interviewed on France 24 international about political hacking in MENA
Noman talked about how almost every political and religious conflict in the Arab world has now migrated to the Internet in the form of hacking and defacement.
Posts tagged “Cybersecurity”
Noman talked about how almost every political and religious conflict in the Arab world has now migrated to the Internet in the form of hacking and defacement.
Citizen Lab Senior Security Researcher Morgan Marquis-Boire was interviewed for a piece in Wired magazine on Heartbleed, “a bug in the internet’s infrastructure that some are calling the worse thing they’ve seen in years.”
Christopher Bronk, a senior fellow at the Canada Centre for Global Security Studies, has authored a report on cybersecurity threats to the US’s energy industry and infrastructure.
Canadians should demand more from government in reigning in electronic spying and cyber-policing. But we should also, as citizens, subscribers, and users, demand more from our internet and telecommunication service providers.
Citizen Lab Security Researcher Morgan Marquis-Boire was interviewed about NSA surveillance for Zeit, Germany’s largest weekly paper.
Professor Deibert spoke about the upcoming Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, also known as “The Surveillance Games”.
Director Ron Deibert spoke about the NSA spying scandal, and his new book, Black Code.
Citizen Lab Communications Officer Irene Poetranto authored an op-ed in The Jakarta Post on 14 December. In Time for greater transparency, Poetranto writes about the recent spying allegations by the Australian spy agency and the market for surveillance technologies.
Citizen Lab Security Researcher Morgan Marquis-Boire gave a talk at the MIT Center for Civic Media in Cambridge, MA on Thursday, November 7, 2013.