Posts tagged “Cybersecurity”
Citizen Lab Security Researcher Morgan Marquis-Boire contributes to joint letter to NSA Review Group
Prominent Technologists’ Comment to the Director of National Intelligence Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technology includes Citizen Lab’s Security Researcher Morgan Marquis-Boire.
Citizen Lab Senior Researcher Helmi Noman interviewed on Syria’s online conflict
Citizen Lab Senior Researcher Helmi Noman was interviewed this week on the subject of Syria’s online conflict.
Citizen Lab Director Ron Deibert interviewed in Die Zeit
Citizen Lab Director Ron Deibert spoke to Die Zeit about his newly-published book as well as the implications of NSA surveillance.
Citizen Lab Director Ron Deibert interviewed in The Hill Times
Citizen Lab Director Ron Deibert was interviewed in The Hill Times about Canada’s role in rapidly-changing cyberspace.
Discussion on Black Code at the National Endowment for Democracy
The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) hosted a panel on June 24, 2013, a timely discussion which focused on Ronald Deibert’s new book, Black Code: Inside the Battle for Cyberspace.
Social Media CyberWatch – May/June 2013
This Social Media CyberWatch outlines privacy law developments, online service provider relationships with the NSA PRISM program, and Facebook privacy news.
Google Policy Fellow Jason Q. Ng at Chinese Internet Research Conference
Citizen Lab Google Policy Fellow Jason Q. Ng is participating in the Chinese Internet Research Conference (CIRC) taking place from 14-16 June 2013 at the University of Oxford.
Is it wrong to use data from the world’s first ‘nice’ botnet?
A new piece in Wired magazine features the discussion of the ethics of using the Internet Census data from Citizen Lab Security Researcher and Technical Advisor Morgan Marquis-Boire and Post-Doctoral Fellow Philippa Gill.
PI files for judicial review of HMRC refusal to reveal state of investigation into Gamma International
Privacy International have filed an application for judicial review of HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) refusal to release information about the potentially unlawful export of Gamma International’s FinFisher surveillance technology.