Social Media CyberWatch – May/June 2013
This Social Media CyberWatch outlines privacy law developments, online service provider relationships with the NSA PRISM program, and Facebook privacy news.
Posts tagged “Surveillance”
This Social Media CyberWatch outlines privacy law developments, online service provider relationships with the NSA PRISM program, and Facebook privacy news.
A new article in Wired magazine as part of the joint project by Privacy International, Agentura.Ru and the Citizen Lab on Russia’s surveillance state.
This post is written by Citizen Lab Visiting Fellow Luis Horacio Najera on the occasion of World Press Freedom Day, 3 May 2013.
Citizen Lab is pleased to announce the release of “For Their Eyes Only: The Commercialization of Digital Spying.” The report features new findings, as well as consolidating a year of our research on the commercial market for offensive computer network intrusion capabilities developed by Western companies.
A new post written by Andrei Soldatov and Irina Borogan as part of the joint project by Privacy International, Agentura.Ru and the Citizen Lab on Russia’s surveillance state.
This Social Media CyberWatch looks at the rebirth of CISPA, death of bill C-30, EU privacy lobbying, Facebook and Google Play privacy concerns, and various web tracking policy developments such as Do Not Track and third-party cookies implementations.
Titled “Teachers’ pension plan invests in Internet surveillance firm,” the Toronto Star editorial connects the investment group that manages the Ontario Teachers Pension Plan (OTPP) with Blue Coat Systems.
On 1 February, Tech and Law Centre at the University of Milan will host Morgan Marquis-Boire with a talk on “For Their Eyes Only: The Changing Face of Online Spying ”.
Hosted by Ahmed Shihab-Eldin, the segment explored US involvement in exporting arms and censorship, surveillance and filtering technology to brutal regimes abroad.