
Citizen Lab's latest news and announcements.

Citizen Lab at RightsCon

If you’re attending RightsCon, you’ll be in good company. Held this year in Toronto from May 16-18, the conference brings together an international audience to discuss all topics related to human rights in the digital age. Citizen Lab researchers, fellows, and associates will be participating in panels and events throughout the week. Here’s a run-down… Read more »

Hard Questions for Canada’s Most Secret Agency

During the heated national debate over Bill C-59, which enacted sweeping changes to how Canada’s spy agencies operate, the Citizen Lab’s Lex Gill and Christoper Parsons posed some tough questions about the legislation. 

Citizen Lab at the Internet Freedom Festival

If you’re attending the Internet Freedom Festival (IFF) from March 5-9, you’ll be in good company: Citizen Lab researchers, fellows, and associates will be participating in panels and events throughout the week. Here’s a round-up of where you can find them: Against stalkerware: building public awareness and consent technology Monday, March 5 5:00 pm –… Read more »

Andrew Hilts on CBC Radio’s Spark

Citizen Lab Senior Researcher Andrew Hilts joined CBC Radio’s Spark to answer viewer questions about personal data requests during a Facebook live event.

Government’s Defence of Proposed CSE Act Falls Short

In this post, we evaluate the Government’s explanation of some of the more problematic elements of Bill C-59 in its briefing notes. We ultimately conclude that while the government’s briefing material provides insight into some of the ways that the CSE might act following the passage of the CSE Act, the material itself does not resolve our concerns with the CSE Act.