
Citizen Lab's latest news and announcements.

Morgan Marquis-Boire joins Ars Technica Live to discuss “data contraception”

Citizen Lab Senior Security Researcher Morgan Marquis-Boire joined the Ars Technica Live podcast series to discuss the rise of what he calls “digital authoritarianism,” an extension of the activities of authoritarian governments into cyberspace, and the steps he says citizens can take to protect themselves.

Citizen Lab Director Ron Deibert interviewed by CNNi on WeChat report

Director Ron Deibert spoke to CNN International on Citizen Lab’s recent report, titled “One App, Two Systems: How WeChat uses one censorship policy in China and another internationally.” Deibert commented on trends of censorship and surveillance in China, and Asian instant messaging applications more broadly.

Paradigm Initiative Nigeria releases “2016 Digital Rights in Africa” report

Citizen Lab Cyber Stewards Network partner Paradigm Initiative Nigeria (PIN) has released the 2016 Digital Rights in Africa report, reviewing government restrictions on Internet freedom this past year. The report analyzes 11 documented shutdowns across the continent, and a number of legislative developments that threaten digital rights.

Christopher Parsons on the police’s mass text message to solve homicide

The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) plans to send text messages to individuals who were present in the particular neighbourhood in which a homicide occurred, in an attempt to gain more information in solving the crime. Postdoctoral Fellow Christopher Parsons commented on the use and storage of this data.