Human Rights Groups Targeted by PlugX RAT
In this blog post, we report on malware campaigns targeting human rights groups using the PlugX Remote Access Trojan (RAT).
Citizen Lab's latest research publications.
In this blog post, we report on malware campaigns targeting human rights groups using the PlugX Remote Access Trojan (RAT).
Citizen Lab Post-Doctoral Fellow Brenden Kuerbis wrote an article titled European Privacy Authorities Object to ICANN Whois Proposals for the CircleID news website.
Online freedom of expression continues to be threatened in Vietnam, as recently proposed regulations and the ongoing detainment and harassment of bloggers combine with an already strict regime of Internet filtering to further restrict information openness. This OpenNet Initiative blog post describes these new developments and reports on the results of testing conducted in Vietnam from April to August 2012.
In this technical brief, Citizen Lab Senior Security Analyst Seth Hardy presents a detailed analysis of IEXPL0RE RAT, a remote access trojan targeting human rights-related organizations.
2012 Google Policy Fellow Kieran Bergmann wrote an article titled Outsourcing Censorship for the Canadian International Council on how governments in Asia are increasing their efforts to control online content.
This report, written and coordinated by Citizen Lab Technical Advisor Morgan Marquis-Boire, analyzes several samples we believe to be mobile variants of the FinFisher Spy Kit targeting iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Windows Mobile and Symbian platforms. It is a follow-on to a previous research brief, From Bahrain with Love: FinFisher's Spy Kit Exposed?, that analyzed several pieces of malware targeting Bahraini dissidents.
Director Ron Deibert wrote a paper for the Canadian Defence & Foreign Affairs Institute titled Distributed Security as Cyber Strategy: Outlining a Comprehensive Approach for Canada in Cyberspace.
Director Ron Deibert wrote an article for iPolitics titled Towards stewardship in cyberspace.
Research Fellow Jon Penney wrote a paper titled Communications Disruption & Censorship under International Law: History Lesson, which was presented at this year’s Second USENIX Workshop on Free and Open Communications on the Internet (FOCI).
Citizen Lab Post-Doctoral Fellow Eneken Tikk Ringas wrote a brief on the work of the UN General Assembly's Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) in 2012 to address threats to international information security in the Disarmament and International Security Committee (also known as the First Committee).