Adam Senft


You Move, They Follow: Uncovering Iran’s Mobile Legal Intercept System

Citizen Lab examined a set of documents leaked to news outlet The Intercept that describe plans to develop and launch an Iranian mobile network, including subscriber management operations and services, and integration with a legal intercept solution. If implemented fully as envisioned, it would enable state authorities to directly monitor, intercept, redirect, degrade or deny all Iranians’ mobile communications, including those who are presently challenging the regime.

الحرب النفسية والوجدانية: القمع الرقمي العابر للحدود في كندا

هذا البعد الرقمي للقمع العابر للحدود – الذي نشير إليه بالقمع الرقمي العابر للحدود – أصبح بسرعة حجر الزاوية للقمع العابر للحدود بشكل يومي، ويشكل تهديدًا لحقوق وحريات المعارضين والنشطاء الذين يعيشون في المنفى.



Psychological and Emotional War: Digital Transnational Repression in Canada

In this report, we describe how activists and dissidents living in Canada are impacted by digital transnational repression. We conclude that digital transnational repression has a serious impact on these communities, including their ability to undertake transnational advocacy work related to human rights. Yet, there is little support for victims who experience such targeting and policy efforts by the Canadian government to date have been insufficient.

Clean Up in the Digital Aisle: Privacy Concerns with Sobeys Inc. “Caper Carts” System

“Smart” in-store shopping carts, developed by Caper and used by Sobeys, issue electronic receipts via SMS message and share a URL that uses an easily predictable format. These receipts contain a number of personal data points, including the customer’s partial credit/debit/Air Miles card numbers, a full list of purchases, and the date, time, and location of the customer’s purchase.

No Access: LGBTIQ Website Censorship in Six Countries

The Citizen Lab, OutRight Action International, and the Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI) collaborated to conduct research on LGBTIQ website censorship and its impact on LGBTIQ communities. The results indicate the technical and legal obstacles many users have in accessing LGBTIQ news, health, and human rights websites.

Tidak Ada Akses: Penyensoran Situs LGBTIQ di Enam Negara

Tujuan dari penelitian kami adalah sebagai berikut. Mendokumentasikan situs web LGBTIQ mana yang diblokir di enam negara; Menyelidiki bagaimana penyensoran situs LGBTIQ berdampak pada komunitas LGBTIQ lokal dan gerakan mereka untuk mengamankan keadilan dan kesetaraan; dan
Menentukan bagaimana Penyedia Jasa Internet (ISP) lokal menerapkan pemblokiran situs web.

Unmasked: COVID-KAYA and the Exposure of Healthcare Worker Data in the Philippines

COVID-KAYA, a platform used by frontline healthcare workers in the Philippines to collect and share COVID-19 cases with the Philippines Department of Health, contained vulnerabilities in both the web and Android apps that allows for unauthorized users to access private data about the app’s users, and potentially patient data.

Annotated Bibliography: Digital Transnational Repression

This annotated bibliography compiles and summarizes relevant literature on “digital transnational repression” (i.e., where states seek to exert pressure—using digital tools—on citizens living abroad in order to constrain, limit, or eliminate political or social action that threatens regime stability or social and cultural norms within the country). While transnational repression itself is not a new phenomenon, there has been limited research on how such repression is enabled and expanded by digital tools.