
Citizen Lab's latest news and announcements.

The rise of crime-sourcing

Source: Marc Goodman, Forbes

Marc Goodman, the Canada Centre and Citizen Lab Senior Fellow in Future Crime, writes in Forbes magazine about the growing popularity of crowdsourcing by international organized crime groups and local neighborhood thugs.

Manipulating social networks

In this op-ed article, author Jillian C. York discusses the tendency of activists to censor themselves using special tools like Tor, or staying off certain networks altogether, due to the knowledge that posting the wrong picture on Facebook can get them arrested, if not worse.

Syria’s digital counter-revolutionaries

In this article, The Atlantic reports on the Syrian Electronic Army, an open and organized pro-government computer attack group that is operating with at least tacit support from the regime, who uses DDoS attacks, phishing scams, and other tricks to fight opposition activists online.